
The School of Dentistry once again actively participates in the XLV Annual Meeting of Paediatric Dentistry

Organised by the Spanish Society of Paediatric Dentistry (SEOP), the conference took place from 9-11 May in Girona. Francisco Guinot, lecturer in this specialisation at UIC Barcelona, was part of the scientific committee. Different lecturers in this area and students of the University have participated with papers, communications and posters. In the end, four of the research projects presented were awarded prizes

The Spanish Society of Paediatric Dentistry (SEOP) has once again brought together professionals from the dental sector on the occasion of the national congress, to discuss the pathology of paediatric patients from the different points of view of paediatric dentistry.

In addition to Guinot, lecturers Gema Redondo, Elvira Ferrés, Silvia Parri, Xavier Maristany and Ignacio Arcos, also specialists in this area, gave several lectures. Students from the faculty also participated, with more than thirty oral communications and posters.

In addition to the presentations, during the congress several prizes were awarded, some of which went to projects carried out at the Faculty of Dentistry of UIC Barcelona. Begoña Bellod, student of the Master’s Degree in Paediatric Dentistry, received the first runner-up prize in the Maria Luisa Gozalvo Award for the best first-time oral communication, for the study “Relationship between sleep bruxism and screen-time in child patients.”

The paper ‘Evaluation of oral health knowledge among parents who do and do not attend breastfeeding/nursing support centres: a comparative study,’ by Elena Ceballos, a student of the online master’s degree programme, also won the first runner-up prize for the M. Luisa Gozalvo Award, and for the best oral communication.

Fifth year Dentistry student Ariadna Marès received the Angel Bellet Cubells award for the best first-time oral communication, for the study “Early diagnosis and multidisciplinary approach of ankyloglossia in infants up to 6 months.”

Finally, the María Luisa Gozalvo award for the best oral communication went to the study “Chronology and sequence of eruption of permanent dentition in a paediatric population and its relationship with genetic and environmental factors,” by Andrea Paredes, a student of the master’s programme.

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