
The second edition of the Training Course on the Clinical Management of Mental Health begins at UIC Barcelona

Between 23 and 26 November, UIC Barcelona hosted the first module of the second edition of the Training Course on the Clinical Management of Mental Health, which was organised by the Albert J. Jovell Institute for Public Health and Patients in conjunction with the Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu, Parc de Salut Mar and Janssen.

Module speakers included Mateu Huguet, expert in Healthcare and Hospital Management; Cristina Molina, Director of the Government of Catalonia's Master Plan on Mental Health and Addictions; Eduard Portella, doctor with a Master’s degree in Public Health; Josep Ramos, psychiatrist and expert in Service Planning; Begoña Román, lecturer at Universitat de Barcelona; and Josep Maria Vinué, Head of the Technical Secretariat at Parc de Salut Mar, among others.

The module enabled attendees to learn more about aspects such as how the Spanish healthcare system is organised, the patients’ role in the system, certain aspects of strategic planning and current mental health challenges. The course consists of a further two modules, which will take place in January and March, respectively.