
Senior Lecturer Magdalena Bosch participates in an international conference on “Virtues: local or universal”

In this conference  professionals look at issues in various different fields. 

Magdalena Bosch, one of our lecturers from the Faculty of Humanities,  participated in the seventh edition of the “Virtues: local or universal”  conference between 3 and 5 January this year. The conference was held at Oriel College, Oxford  (England). During the event she presented a paper entitled “Virtue and Ultimate End: Local or Universal?”

The paper deals with a global purpose that awards meaning to all the partial goals of our actions, the ultimate goal. According to Bosch, this final goal has a universal aspect, the search for happiness, and a subjective aspect, which is the way in which we seek it at an individual level.  “It is based on the Aristotelian idea of happiness which means total fulfillment of human beings at a human level” said the lecturer.  

The main objective of this conference was to explore questions related to local and universal virtues from a series of theoretical and practical perspectives. Another aim was to bring together experts from a variety of disciplines to explore different types of questions. 

The event was organised by the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtue, an interdisciplinary research centre which focuses on character, virtues and values based on an interest in human development. It is a research and information centre on policies and practices in this area and, through its wide range of projects, contributes towards the renovation of the ethics of virtue and the formation of character both in individuals and in societies.