
Sports journalist Enric Bañeras dies

Sports journalist Enric Bañeras, a significant figure in sports journalism in Catalonia who spent almost half a century working for various media outlets, died on the 1st of August, at the age of 72. He was a Professor in the Faculty of Communication Sciences at UIC Barcelona, where he taught Sports Journalism during the 2000-2001 and 2005-2006 academic years. In his last year at the university, he also taught Sports Journalism in the Written Press, as part of the Postgraduate degree in Sports Journalism.

Born in 1944 in Almenar (Lleida), he studied at the Escuela de Periodismo de la Iglesia (Church School of Journalism) and once he finished his degree he began to work at Diario de Lérida. Subsequently he moved to Barcelona, where he joined the writing teams on two satirical magazines, Barrabás and El Papus, and worked for Diario de Barcelona, Tele/eXprés and El Correo Catalán, of which he also became assistant director.

He then moved to La Vanguardia, where he was head of sports for 14 years, wrote articles for El Mundo Deportivo until 2015 and worked on various television and radio programmes, for TVE, TV3, SER and RAC 1.

Bañeres published the following books: Las ligas del Barça (1998), Dichoso Barça (2000), Estimada Basilea, Qué sabrá usted de fútbol and Los Mur, masajistas del Barça (2008). He is also the author of the world encyclopaedias on football and tennis published by Grupo Océano and worked on the Catalan-Spanish, Spanish-Catalan sports dictionary (1989).