
The State Secretariat for Security and UIC Barcelona sign an agreement to promote courses in cybercrime

The agreement is aimed at police forces so they can develop and improve their skills both in the area of the prevention of cybercrime and also in terms of stopping, investigating and proving this type of crime.  An agreement offering work placements to master’s students was also signed. 

The Head of the Catalan police force, Sebastián Trapote, and the rector of UIC Barcelona, Xavier Gil, signed a cooperation agreement to promote courses in cybercrime.  

Based on this agreement, signed on Friday 26 January, the State Secretariat for Security became a member of the Advisory Council for the Master's Degree in Cybercrime that is taught at our university.   

The aim behind this agreement is to promote the development and professional improvement of police forces both in terms of the prevention of cybercrime and in terms of stopping, researching and proving this type of crime. This agreement was also signed with the Institute of Public Security of Catalonia (ISPC) to help to protect victims when dealing with new types of cybercrime.  

Chief Inspector José Ávila and Head of Press for the Police Headquarters Inspector Antonio Navarro joined the Head of the Catalan police force and the rector of UIC Barcelona.  The dean of the faculty, Pilar Fernández, was also present, as well as the director of the master’s programme, José Ramón Agustina, and the faculty’s office manager, Borja Molas. 


Both institutions signed an educational cooperation agreement to work together to create training courses and work placements for UIC Barcelona students. These placements will be undertaken in the Provincial Brigade of the Forensic police force offices.