
Students from the Faculty of Education create interactive maths games

Students from 2nd year in Primary Education, from the Teaching and Learning Mathematics subject, taught by Professors Salvador Vidal and Eva Perdiguero, recently invented an interactive maths game with the aim of motivating primary school pupils.

“The objective - explains Professor Perdiguer, responsible for the part of the subject that involved creating the game - was that this whole creation would revolve around a story; in other words, we gamified part of the subject”.

Throughout the ten sessions taught by Eva Perdiguer, students created the game while also participating in Moodle activities.  Via this platform they were able to create challenges, a forum and a glossary which they all built together.

Parallel to this, students who are experts in advertising raised awareness of the game via Facebook and Twitter, and by creating an advertising campaign with a logo, brochures and some banners.  “It was a highly positive experience- explained Perdiguero. The students fully responded and were fully implicated, they created good quality games”.

As the end of the project a prize-giving ceremony was held, it took place in the Faculty of Education.  During the event, each group of students presented the game they had created. One of our students, Pau Borell, opened the event by performing some magic tricks, which dumbfounded more than one audience member.