
Students majoring in International Nursing for their Nursing Degree can take the theoretical and practical module in Finland

In May, teams from the UIC Barcelona Department of Nursing and the Savonia University of Applied Sciences' School of Health Care worked together on a module worth 30 credits towards validating the major in International Nursing as part of the UIC Barcelona Bachelor's Degree in Nursing. This major allows for student mobility between the two universities. Competences covered in Finnish nursing courses are similar to those in Spain, something that does not happen with other EU countries. This module will make it easier for the students who take it to enter either the Finnish job market or that of any other country that accepts similar competences.

The Savonia University of Applied Sciences is one of Finland's largest Applied Science institutions. There are campuses in Kuopio, Iisalmi and Varkaus. Its core pillars are based on cooperation, networking and internationalisation. There are approximately 6,000 students and 600 staff working there.