
Students María Andreu and Inés Pérez, winners of an award at the 18th National Meeting of Young Paediatric Dentists

A number of students and lecturers from the Clinical Residency in Paediatric Dentistry and the Master’s Degree in Comprehensive Paediatric Dentistry took part in the event and presented papers

On 2 March, representatives from the Faculty of Dentistry’s Area of Paediatric Dentistry, directed by Dr Francisco Guinot, took part in the 18th National Meeting of Young Paediatric Dentists. The event, organised by the Spanish Society of Paediatric Dentistry, was presided by Dr Paloma Planells and brought together a host of students in their final year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry, along with dentists specialising in Paediatric Dentistry.
A total of fourteen papers were presented during the meeting, four of which were authored by students from UIC Barcelona. Following the presentations, the attendees had the chance to vote for the best work. The first-place awards, handed out with support from Dentaid, were given to two students from the Faculty of Dentistry: María Andreu, for her project “MIH: Impossible to anaesthetise?”, and Inés Pérez, for the paper “How can we achieve adhesion in molars with MIH?”. 
According to María, “I was incredibly lucky to be able to present my project at this conference. I really enjoyed both the experience of talking in front of students and lecturers from across the country and what I learned from the other presentations, which addressed some very interesting topics, such as adhesion in molars with MIH, thumb sucking, malocclusion or the current problem of antibiotic resistance”.