
Students from the Master’s Degree in Cultural Management 'travel' to 2025 to discuss the future of the Internet

The students were treated to a lecture by archaeologist and historian Genís Roca, who has over 25 years of experience creating websites.

On 14 February, the students from the Master’s Degree in Cultural Management were given a lecture by archaeologist and historian Genís Roca; a masterclass in which the speaker analysed what the future holds for the Internet of things. 

President and partner of the RS RocaSalvatella Group, with over 25 years of experience in online content, Roca took the students on a journey through the history of the Internet and analysed the changes that have shaped society. Afterwards, they discussed the paradigms that will govern the network, business and society as a whole, looking ahead to 2025. 

The event presented students the opportunity to question the usefulness and relevance of online databases for businesses, as well as the possibilities, potential and risks they pose now and in the future.