
Students from two ADE master’s degree programmes face an investment committee

On13 December, students from the Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurship, Venture Capital and Private Equity and the Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems had an intense day during which they justified their investment theses based on three real cases. 

Over the space of a single day students from the Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurship, Venture Capital and Private Equity and the Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems in the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences became investment analysts and presented their thesis before a committee consisting of three experts.  

The director of Mediterrania Capital Partners, Albert Alsina; the director of investment at ICF Capital, Adrià Torrelles and Head of Private Equity at KPMG Spain, Fernando García, were the three experts who, along with professor Francesc Prior, attended the student presentations.  They subsequently evaluated the investment theses put forward by each group and then gave each of them a mark. 

The objective of the students who participated in this pioneering activity in the Faculty was to put themselves in the shoes of an investment analyst from Mediterrania Capital Partners in order to present and justify their theses to the Investment Committee that had to be based on proposals distributed in class beforehand.  The four groups had 15 minutes for their presentation and another 10 minutes for questions and then the evaluation.