
A study focusing on the physical condition of children with bronchiolitis, awarded Best Paper at the SEPAR Congress

Researchers from the Department of Physiotherapy have participated in the 57th Congress of the Spanish Society for Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR). One of the doctoral students of the department, Fernanda Salazar, won the prize for best paper for her thesis research titled: “Analysis of physical conditions in children and adolescents with post-infectious bronchiolitis obliterans: observational study”. 

Within the framework of the Paediatric Pulmonology area of SEPAR, Fernanda Salazar, PhD in Health Sciences, won the award for Best Paper within the “Gold paper” category. The study is the result of Salazar’s thesis and was carried out with other researchers from the Department of Physiotherapy. It aims to study the impact of postinfectious bronchiolitis obliterans (PIBO) on the physical condition of children and young people who suffer from it.

This rare disease is characterised by a reduction in lung function that can affect patients' tolerance to exercise. Salazar analysed the cardiorespiratory capacity of patients with PIBO and its association with clinical-functional variables such as lung function, muscle strength, body composition, quality of life and perception of dyspnoea.

The results of the multicentre observational study, carried out with patients diagnosed with PIBO between six and twenty years of age, showed a reduction in lung function and cardiorespiratory capacity of patients, but not in their muscle strength.

The lecturer of the Department of Physiotherapy, Fernanda Salazar, was very grateful for the opportunity to participate in the congress, since “it is a unique opportunity to learn about the latest advances and share knowledge with other passionate people in the same area of work”. Salazar also stressed the importance of the recognition received “which validates the hard and complex work involved in a multicentre project”. In addition, “participating in the congress has been a very enriching experience that drives us to continue growing and opening paths of knowledge in the area of chronic respiratory diseases in the paediatric population”.

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