
A study on the tax on sugary drinks by Dr Mora and Dr Roche is presented in York

The study, entitled “Do consumers respond to ‘sin taxes’ heterogeneously? New evidence from the tax on sugary drinks using retailer scanner data" was presented in the Health Economists' Study Group Winter 2019 Meeting, which took place at the University of York on 7 January.

The article, "Do consumers respond to ‘sin taxes’ heterogeneously? New evidence from the tax on sugary drinks using retailer scanner data", was written by Dr Toni Mora, vice-rector of Research and assistant director of the Research Institute for Evaluation and Public Policies, and Dr David Roche, a lecturer in the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences and researcher in the Institute.

The study concerns the tax on sugary drinks that was introduced in Catalonia in May 2017 in efforts to help the population make better choices when purchasing canned and bottled sugar-sweetened beverages. The amount of the tax depends on the amount of sugar the drink contains.