
Susana Pujol and Olga Lozano highlight the importance of early detection and intervention of ASD

On the occasion of the International Asperger's Day, psychologists Susana Pujol and Olga Lozano, professionals of the Support clinic and teachers of the Degree in Psychology, have highlighted the need to detect autism spectrum disorder (ASD) early in order to intervene and improve the quality of life of patients and their families

The two UIC Barcelona psychologists reaffirmed that this syndrome has been part of the autism spectrum disorder since 2013 and is considered high-functioning or mild ASD. In addition, they emphasised the importance of having early diagnoses so that once families receive the diagnosis, they can better understand the behaviour of their children and thus can develop effective behaviour management strategies. Accordingly, the diagnosis also helps schools to create a personalised educational plan that fits the specific needs of each student.

Olga Lozano an educational psychologist, and Susana Pujol a clinical psychologist, also called for more specialised training for teachers, noting that inclusiveness in school is still a challenge. From the psycho-educational perspective, Lozano said children with high-functioning ASD can be academically successful in a regular school and reach their full potential with the right supports. For this reason, it is crucial that schools provide an inclusive environment that adapts to the specific needs of each student with ASD, which requires increased attention and resources from education staff. 

Both early detection and ongoing support are critical to improving the educational and social experience of children with ASD, and the inclusion of these students in the classroom not only benefits them themselves, but also enriches the learning experience of their peers, fostering empathy and mutual respect.

Currently, the most effective treatments for high-functioning ASD include communication and language supports, behaviour modification techniques, and training in social skills, involving the family in therapy so they can support the child in their development. At the same time, the two experts added that the most effective interventions are those carried out in the natural context of the child and in the most intensive way possible so that the skills learned can be integrated into daily life.

The experts point out that in recent years the prevalence of people with ASD has increased considerably, a fact that they attribute to the expansion of diagnostic criteria, better detection and greater awareness and social awareness.

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