
The Teaching Innovation Classroom, set up by the Puig Foundation, publishes a book on innovation in the field of Law

Carlos Espaliú, Ricardo M. Jiménez, Carlos de Miranda, Pedro García del Barrio, Pilar Rey, Belén Zárate and Montserrat Nebrera, along with other Italian and English university professors, recently published the following book: “¿Cómo la innovación mejora la calidad de la enseñanza del Derecho?” It was published by Aranzadi. 

In the book, the authors wrote about reflections on their own experiences as teachers.  Specifically, they tackled innovation in teaching law and provided examples of successful cases.  The idea behind this publication is to open up a debate about teaching law with the aim of improving university quality in this field.

The publication of this book was made possible through the Teaching Innovation Classroom at UIC Barcelona which was set up by the Puig Foundation. The Classroom brings together all the various activities related to innovation in the classroom. Through this classroom the idea is to recognise and encourage activities related to teaching innovation, from the point of view of methodology, research and technological development.

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