
Toni Mora obtains funding from RecerCaixa for a research project on training needs in the Catalonia of the future

Dr Toni Mora, Vice-Rector for Research at UIC Barcelona, along with Oriol Escardíbul, Vice-Rector for Economics at the University of Barcelona, received funding from the 2017 RecerCaixa call in the field of Education for a project entitled “Educational Needs in the Catalonia of the Future (2030) and Necessary Changes in the Formal Vocational Training System to Tackle Them”.   

This research projects aims to discover the future vocational training needs of the Catalan economy, depending on changed competences caused by social needs and new professions. The current situation in vocational training will also be looked at, in order to discover the changes that the education system needs in order to face future educational needs. Finally, the most suitable type of education will be pinpointed, from the point of view of both competences and labour insertion. To do this the researchers will analyse dual FP (vocational training) courses and online courses. 

The study must act as a guide for Catalan educational and training policies since it will point out what the needs are until 2030, as well as the changes required to fulfil them. It will also promote interaction between the educational and productive systems in terms of setting out strategies. 

The project will combine quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques, with multidisciplinary approaches (taken mainly from the fields of economics and education).  State and private agents who are aware of the economic and educational reality of the Catalan economy will also be involved in the project. 

The RecerCaixa Programme is an initiative set up by Obra Social ‘la Caixa’, in conjunction with the Catalan Association of State Universities (ACUP). This call for research funding has two basic objectives: boosting scientific research excellence, and bringing science closer to society, ensuring it can become a participant in scientific progress, which in turn craetes both human and social benefits. 

The total amount of funding provided by the RecerCaixa Programme is €85.918,21.