
The TV3 Telethon provides €200,000 for a joint project between Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and UIC Barcelona

The TV3 Telethon provided €200,000 for the project "Búsqueda de nuevos biomarcadores y dianas terapéuticas relacionadas con déficits cognitivos en fases tempranas del Alzheimer. Papel de AKAP97 / 50, CPT1c y SSAO / VAP-1" (The Search for New Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets Related to Cognitive Deficits in the Early Stages of Alzheimer's: The Role of AKAP97/50, CPT1c and SSAO/VAP-1). This project, which will be undertaken over the next three years and is headed by the Neuroscience Institute at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, also involves UIC Barcelona’s Neurolipid Group. The purpose of this project is to study the role of certain proteins in regulating Alzheimer’s.

UIC Barcelona will study neuronal cultures and animal models of Alzheimer's disease to find out whether the protein CPT1c has a protective role in the development of Alzheimer’s. This project supports the article recently published by the group headed by Dr Núria Casals, which shows that the protein CPT1c regulates AMPA receptor levels in neuronal synapses.