
Twenty UIC Barcelona students receive an Alumni-Banco Santander Grant

A total of twenty students from different degree programmes at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC Barcelona) have been selected for a 2017-2018 Alumni-Banco Santander Grant, which were awarded today in the University's Saló de Graus. This is the tenth year in a row that UIC Barcelona has offered this funding option through Santander Universities.

For the tenth straight year, UIC Barcelona, with support from Banco Santander, through Santander Universities, has offered students the chance to earn an Alumni-Banco Santander Grant, financial aid intended for university students who are members of the UIC Barcelona Alumni Group and meet the stipulated requirements, which include the students’ academic record. With these grants, the University provides students support beyond simple academic education.

The event, presided by the vice-rector for Academic Organisation and International Relations at UIC Barcelona, Jaume Armengou, also featured José María Martínez, director of Institutions for the territorial area of Catalonia at Santander Spain; José María García de los Ríos, director of Santander Universities Spain; and the president of the UIC Barcelona Alumni Group, Ignacio Parellada.

In his speech, José María Martínez reminded attendees that these grants are part of the bank’s commitment, through Santander Universities, to society, education and research, the aim of which is to contribute to the advancement of people.

Martínez pointed out that, “this Alumni grants programme is one of the projects we are proudest of”, and thanked the University for “promoting and so prudently maintaining this initiative, which illustrates the importance of access to higher education, the culture of hard work and the central role of universities in economic, social and cultural progress”.

Anaïs Besa, a student in the Bachelor’s Degree of Medicine, spoke on behalf of all grant recipients. She declared that, “Opportunities like the one the Alumni-Banco Santander grant provides remind students of the value we all have for the University and society, proof of which lies in the institutional support we have received to keep learning and become excellent professionals and people in the future. Through hard work and dedication, we will prove that education is the best investment possible”.

The grants proved to be evenly distributed, with representatives from most degree programmes at UIC Barcelona: Medicine, Physiotherapy, Dentistry, Nursing, Advertising and Public Relations, Journalism, Audiovisual Communication, Architecture, Primary Education and Law.