
Two conferences to reflect on our challenges for 'our common home'

The Faculty of Education in UIC Barcelona held the second Interdiciplinary Conference on Science and Religion on 13 and 14 November.  The aim of the course was to reflect on current serious ethical challenges in order to find solutions which will achieve peace and sustainability.  Professor Miquel Ramon from the Faculty of Philosophy in the Ramon Llull University, was in charge of opening the conference.

During the inauguration Professor Miquel Ramon invited attendees to reflect on what we are dealing with:  "Who gave me this universe?  The response has decisive consequences, but it is not the same to feel that you are the result of chance or feel that you are a child of God".  After this, the various speakers talked about the issues dealt with in the encyclical written by Pope Francis Laudatio Si’, in which he talks about "our common home".

Thus, for example, Josep Argemí, a Professor from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and Director of the Institute of Bioethics at UIC Barcelona, analysed the data on public health in relation to abortion and euthanasia and demonstrated the legal paradoxes which we are falling into.

On the other hand,  Silvia Albareda, a Professor of Education, pointed out sustainable development as a potential solution to help face the challenges of the social and ecological crisis, and Joan Costa, a priest and speaker, mentioned the problem involved in caring for this "common home".  "The techno-scientific man has become a dominator of nature in competition with God".

Around fifty teachers and professors of religion and natural sciences participated in these conferences.  The talks alternated with workshops, such as one given by Carmen Arrufat  - from the La Farga Nursery School- and one by José Manuel Almuzara, an architect who is an expert on Gaudí. There was also a further workshop given by Ariandna Blanco, from Ayuda a la Iglesia Necesitada).  The closing sessions were given by Monseigneur Sebastià Taltavull, Auxiliary Bishop of Barcelona.

This was the second conference on continuing education which was organised by the area for Religious Teaching in the Faculty of Education, which, among other activities, also manages the Postgraduate degree in Teaching the Catholic Religion.