
Two new optional subjects for Business Administration and Management (ADE) students

From the 2017-2018 academic year onwards two new subjects will be added to the optional subjects for the bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management (ADE). These are:  Family-Owned Business and Positive Psychology.  

Family Business, awarded with 3 ECTS, will be taught in English. The professors will be Carlos García and Rubén Gordillo, who are professors from the Family Business Chair at IESE. This subject will look at the family-owned business model and the key issues it involves. Students who take this subject will undertake an in-depth analysis of the characteristics of a family-owned business, the governance of family-owned business, the role of ownership, the family charter, the boar, growth stages, succession, philanthropy, tax benefits for the family, etc. 

On the other hand, Víctor Küppers will teach the new Positive Psychology subject, also awarded with 3 ECTS.  The classes will provide a framework for reflection and an exchange of ideas and experiences on the importance of attitude and personal motivation. Issues such as learning how to live and work with joy, enthusiasm, motivation and optimism will be discussed. The aim is highly practical “To transmit ideas, methods and practical and useful habits, that can be applied “the very next day”, so that students can improve and boost their personal attitude in terms of self-motivation, being proactive, enthusiastic and good interpersonal communication skills”.