
Two of our Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management (ADE) lecturers undertake a research visit in Milan as part of the Erasmus + programme

Doctors Dolores Gil and Jasmina Berbegal, lecturers from the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at UIC Barcelona, recently undertook a research visit in Milan as part of the Erasmus + programme for academic staff mobility, at the School of Management in the Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy). 


During the stay, Dr Gil worked with professors and lecturers from the research group on Entrepreneurship, Finance and Innovation, directed by professor Massimo Colombo. On the other hand, Dr Berbegal worked on a research project about the efficiency of the university system at a European level with professor Tommaso Agasisti. Both teams have achieved recognised international prestige in their area of specialisation.

As a result of this visit, they aim to strengthen ties between UIC Barcelona and the Polytechnic University of Milan with the aim of undertaking joint research projects.