
Two students from the University of the Balearic Islands win the Litigation Skills Competition

Last Saturday 22 April 2017, the final round of the Litigation Skills Competition took place in the Courtroom at UIC Barcelona. It featured four teams of two people, who had succeeded in making it through the initial rounds to the tournament's key moment. 

The event included an exceptional presentation by Magistrate and Doctor of Law Carolina Fons Rodríguez. 

The final round consisted of, firstly, two preliminary hearings on the same civil case (based on a real situation), after which all four teams competed against each other. The preliminary hearings were eliminatory.  

After a brief recess came the final event, which consisted of a trial on the same case and lasted almost four hours. The finalists showed nerve and extraordinary litigation skills while questioning the five witnesses and two experts and seamlessly presented their concluding statements. 

The victory ultimately went to the team of Iván Bellod and Esperanza Olias, from the University of the Balearic Islands. The other finalists were Adriana Gómez-Raya and Natalia Huertas, both of who are students in the University Master's Degree in the Legal Profession at UIC Barcelona. The other two semi-finalist teams were made up of Elena Puche and Fernando Alfaro, from the Universidad Católica de San Antonio de Murcia, and Adriana Anglada and Ivan Cubillas, graduates of the University of Barcelona.