
UIC Barcelona and Birkbeck, University of London to offer two double bachelor's degrees: Business Administration and Economics and Business Administration and Financial Economics

Students from the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences will have the chance to further their knowledge of Economics in London


The Universitat Internacional de Catalunya and Birkbeck, University of London have signed an agreement whereby UIC Barcelona students will be able to complete their studies in London and, in five years, earn a Double Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Economics or in Business Administration and Financial Economics.

The agreement will enable students from the Faculty to complete their studies at one of the colleges comprising the prestigious University of London. Participating students from the Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management would spend the second semester of year four studying in London, where they would enrol in both the spring and summer terms. They would subsequently finish the double degree in year five with a full academic year at Birkbeck, University of London. 

According to the dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Marta Mas, “taking a double degree that involves studying business management in Barcelona and furthering their knowledge of Economics in London is a highly comprehensive option on all levels”.

Dr Mas also explained that, “for the students, it will be an international experience in which they will gain new knowledge in a multicultural setting with different teaching methods. This double degree will help us stand out by further internationalising our selection of programmes”.