
UIC Barcelona collaborates with the 48H Open House Barcelona volunteer programme

Next weekend, 22 and 23 October, the 7th edition of 48H Open House Barcelona will take place in Barcelona. Over the course of two days, the festival will open the doors to dozens of public buildings, workplaces, residences and art and architecture studios that cannot normally be visited or that, thanks to architecture, will be seen from a fresh viewpoint. The event, which aims to enhance knowledge of the city and appreciation for urban space, will be free for all members of the public.

This year's edition features a new section, Open Social, a meeting point for the city's urban, human and social landscapes which sheds light on how architecture can help improve people's lives.

A key part of this event is volunteer support. Each year, the festival receives a hand from close to one thousand volunteers. Thanks to their help, the festival is able to include over 150 buildings and provide guides for all tours, activities and events organised as part of this event.

For the first time ever, UIC Barcelona will award students who volunteer in this edition 1 ECTS of elective credits.

No special knowledge is required to join the team. All you need is a desire to take part and introduce the public to the architecture of Barcelona and this year’s guest cities. Students interested in getting involved can find out more about how to do so on the 48H Open House Barcelona website under the heading on volunteering.

Deadline for registration: 18 October.