
UIC Barcelona gives thanks to the companies and institutions that cooperate with the University

On 17 July, UIC Barcelona organised an event to thank the companies and institutions that work with the University for their implication. The event was presided by the rector, Dr Xavier Gil, and the president of the University Advisory Council, Francesc Homs.

In his speech, Dr Gil provided some of the main facts surrounding the University and announced some of the projects in which it will be involved in the coming academic years. Addressing the companies, the rector made it clear that, “you help every day to make it possible for us to undertake our mission on the basis of our founding values: people as the centre, the generation of professional talent, the quest for the truth and social commitment.” 

Dr Gil reiterated his gratitude and left them with some words of motivation: “I’ll never get tired of thanking you and asking you to stay and continue to help us for many years to come generate social change through talent”. 

Afterwards, Mr Homs explained the function of the University Advisory Council and joined the University in giving thanks: “I would like to add my thanks and encourage you to continue to cooperate with this extremely worthwhile project”.