
UIC Barcelona has participated in the Study Aid Olympics (OSE) for the fifth consecutive year

In December the Study Aid Olympics ended with a total of 51.371 hours of study aid for solidarity having been completed. The libraries at UIC Barcelona cooperated by registering a total of 2,620 hours with 428 participants.

The Study Aid Olympics is an initiative organised by the Government of la Rioja in cooperation with two other organisations: Coopera ONGD and Cooperación Internacional ONG. It consists of the sponsors providing a Euro for each hour of study or work registered in the cooperating libraries: 484 this year. The donations will be given to two projects in Senegal and Ecuador.

The project in Senegal, which  Coopera ONG has been carrying out for several years, it is focused on the Omar IbnKhatab in Malicounda, in the south of the country. This year, specifically, the focus will be on improving nutrition for pupils who are from families with few or no resources, there are around 150 of them.

The project in Ecuador, for Cooperación Internacional ONG, is being carried out in Cotacachi, in the province of Imbabura, where the indigenous community numbers more than 1.600 people. They are being provided with help to establish the infrastructure and to improve educational models, and also with school material.

Another of the aims of the campaign is to raise awareness of these types of situations among the student population. UIC Barcelona has joined the initiative for the fifth consecutive year and is adding its grain of salt to help improve the situation of needy people in other regions of the world.  Both campuses at the university have contributed to the campaign and we have registered 1,551 hours in the library on our Barcelona campus and 1,069 on our Sant Cugat campus.