
UIC Barcelona heads to Torreciudad to give thanks for its 20 years of history

On Sunday, approximately fifty people from the university –staff, lecturers, students and alumni– journeyed to the Shrine of Torreciudad (Huesca) to give thanks to Our Lady of the Angels for UIC Barcelona’s twenty years of history.

Early Sunday morning, just as the sun started to peek out from over the horizon, a group of people stood waiting for the bus that was set to take them to the Shrine of Torreciudad.

Between this group and those who decided to take their own means of transport, the over fifty people who signed up for the trip had one clear purpose in mind: to share day-to-day life at the university with the Virgin and give thanks for “the miracle”, as Josep Maria Pujol, until recently the president of the Board of Trustees, often says, that this university has been, year after year.

The pilgrims, guided by one of the shrine’s delegates in Catalonia and its head of communications, Joan Emili Estil·les, had the opportunity to visit the shrine, created at the behest of Saint Josemaría.

After the mass given by Father Albert Ribot, from the Barcelona Campus, the rector, Xavier Gil, and the vice-rector for the University Community, Belén Zárate, placed the university’s beca on Our Lady of Torreciudad and offered a reproduction of the Virgin Mary that graces the garden on the Barcelona Campus.

Afterwards, participants had lunch at a restaurant in El Grado and then returned to the shrine for the Rosary prayer. By night time, everyone was back at the Barcelona Campus, on a street –Inmaculada–  that, interestingly enough, is also dedicated to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception.