
UIC Barcelona hosts an event entitled “The foundations of a solvent healthcare system”

The Aula Magna at UIC Barcelona recently hosted an event entitled “The foundations of a solvent healthcare system”, held on our Barcelona campus, and organised by the Health Economy Association (AES).  Xavier Gil, Rector of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya and David Elvira, Director of the Catalan Healthcare Service, officially opened the meeting. Toni Mora, Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya and President of the Executive Committee for the SESPAS Conference was in charge of closing the event. 

The first part of the event included a talk entitled “Proposals to Reform the Healthcare System to Achieve Solvency” by Beatriz González López-Valcárcel, a Full Professor from the University of Las Palmas and President of the Spanish Association of Public Health and Healthcare Administration (SESPAS).  As one of the main experts on Health Economy, González López-Valcárcel warned the audience about the risk of demagogy in Spanish healthcare. 

During the second part of the meeting, attendees were able to participate in a debate entitled “What changes does the Catalan Healthcare System need in order to Guarantee its Solvency?”, speakers included Manuel del Castillo Rey, Managing Director of Sant Joan de Déu Hospital, Luís Segú Tolsà, from Oblikue Consulting, S.L. and Jaume Puig-Junoy from Pompeu Fabra University.