
UIC Barcelona hosts the #seocday of the Spanish Society of Conservative Dentistry

Last Saturday, a conference entitled #seocday was organised at UIC Barcelona by the Spanish Society of Conservative Dentistry, a private scientific body whose main aims include contributing to the training of dentists who specialise in Conservative Dentistry and stimulating the progress of scientific knowledge in this field. The event, opened by Dr Lluís Giner, dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, featured a number of both Spanish and international speakers, amongst whom were Faculty of Dentistry alumni Dr José Bahillo along with Dr Anaïs Ramírez and Dr Kilian Molina, lecturers in UIC Barcelona's Department of Restorative Dentistry.


The venue chosen for the event was the Aula Magna on the University's Barcelona Campus, which welcomed more than 300 attendees. The first three presentations of the day were given by Dr Bahillo, Dr Ramírez and Dr Molina, each with their respective papers entitled “Restauraciones adhesivas directas e indirectas. Cual elegimos y por qué” [Direct and indirect adhesive restorations: Which to choose and why], “Restoration of Dental Trauma: Aesthetic and functional challenges” and “Control Body Technique: Simplificando la técnica de estratificación en anteriores. Una dentina y un esmalte” [Control Body Technique: Simplifying the stratification technique in front teeth: One dentine, one enamel].