
UIC Barcelona hosts the third ICQEM

Researchers from numerous international universities came to the Barcelona Campus to discuss the latest developments in quality management and quality engineering

UIC Barcelona recently hosted the third International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management (ICQEM), an international forum attended by university researchers from around the world, who were on hand to present and discuss the latest developments in quality management and quality engineering. 

On Wednesday 11 July, the University, with the vice-dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Frederic Marimon, at the helm, welcomed the participants, who, on Thursday 12 and Friday 13, addressed issues such as continuous improvement standards, supply chain quality management and management systems on the Barcelona Campus.

This international event included four presentations. The first two took place on Thursday: “Quality as a platform for a sustainable future”, by managing director and president of the Swedish Institute for Quality, Mats Deleryd, and “The changing role of quality management in a world of competing supply chains”, by Jaume Ribera, professor of Operations Management at IESE.

On Friday, the spotlight turned to Marianna Sigala, a lecturer at the University of South Australia, who delivered the presentation “Enriching tourism experience: a fresh approach to quality”, and Malcolm Tight, a lecturer at the University of Lancaster in the UK, with a talk entitled “How quality management will improve higher education”. During the conference, attendees also had the opportunity to further explore the research currently being performed in the fields of Quality Management and Quality Engineering through working groups and discussion.