
A UIC Barcelona lecturer participates in the 2017 edition of Innovation Match in Mexico

Zahaira González, a lecturer from the Faculty of Communication at UIC Barcelona participated as a moderator in this international forum for Mexican talent, Innovation Match 2017, between 31 May and 2 June. 

González acted as moderator of the conference, for which she was also a member of the international scientific committee. She also participated in writing a paper about the identification of key elements in a successful crowdfunding campaign.  

More than 600 researchers teachers and professionals from over thirty countries attended the event. UIC Barcelona participated in the conference because it included various spaces that allowed attendees to simultaneously learn about research projects being described in different classrooms at the same time.

The idea behind Innovation Match MX is to create an innovative meeting point where companies, researchers and students can share knowledge, experiences and create business opportunities based on the technological supply and demand generated by each of the participants.