
UIC Barcelona is participating in the "one more for Christmas" initiative set up by the Mary's Meals NGO

Once again this year the solidarity service in the university cooperated with Mary's Meals, which helps to feed the poorest children in developing countries.  Thanks to the solidarity of people from UIC Barcelona, 7 children will have their nutritional needs covered for a whole academic year. 

In December last year, among other initiatives based on solidarity, we began to cooperate with this NGO in the cafeteria on our Barcelona campus. The Mary's Meals NGO collects donations to help feed children with no resources in India and in other developing countries.

The initiative has a double purpose: as well as feeding disadvantaged people, it is an incentive so that children can attend school, since the donations are given directly to the school. Also the aim is to ensure that their families with no resources can allow them to learn instead of making them work or do other tasks, including begging, in order to obtain food.

The campaign was very simple. We simply placed a cash box in the cafeteria on our Barcelona campus and encouraged people to make a small contribution.  Using the small change people have left after paying for coffee or lunch it is possible to feed a family if you take into account the fact that to feed one person each day in India only costs 20 eurocents.

Therefore, due to the donations collected via this initiative, seven children from seven families will be able to relax at least in terms of feeding themselves during this academic year.