
UIC Barcelona pays tribute to Dr Josep Argemí upon his retirement

Dr Josep Argemí has been dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, rector of UIC Barcelona for a decade, and director of the Institute for Advanced Bioethical Studies

On Tuesday, 23 October, the Aula Magma hosted the tribute paid to Dr Josep Argemí for his retirement, after over twenty years of dedicated service to the University. The ceremony was attended by members of the university community, students, professional colleagues and his family. 
After the rector, Dr Xavier Gil, gave his opening address, Dr Albert Balaguer, dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, dedicated a moving speech to his predecessor and mentor. In Balaguer’s own words: “Dr Josep Argemí was instrumental in bringing about the foundation of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, most especially the degrees in Nursing, Physiotherapy and Dentistry, as well as in the creation of the highly regarded Basic Sciences department, which has given and continues to give support to the different areas of the faculty”.  Balaguer also underscored Dr Argemí’s modest and humble nature when he returned to teaching after nine years as rector of the University.   
Dr Argemí, in turn, thanked all the people who joined him on his journey as what he defined as “one of the most special times of my life”. In his speech, Dr Josep Argemí shared, with countless anecdotes, his experience and learnings over the course of the different stages of his time at UIC Barcelona. “Creating the Faculty of Health Sciences and laying its foundations was a huge challenge. But the greatest challenge for me was undoubtedly serving as rector of the University for nine years”, Argemí stressed. “You could say that over the course of my mandates I was a sort of rector-paediatrician because when I took the reins of UIC Barcelona, it was only three years old and I actively contributed to its growth until it was thirteen”. “It was an exciting time, which has given me great memories and unique experiences, such as bringing to fruition a project as relevant and significant as creating a bachelor’s degree in medicine”, Dr Josep Argemí stated.