
UIC Barcelona presents its degree programmes at the Saló de l’Ensenyament

Once again this year UIC Barcelona presented its degree programmes at the thirtieth edition of the Saló de l’Ensenyament academic fair, which was held at the Fira de Barcelona until 24 March.  The university will also attend Saló Futura to advertise its master's and postgraduate degree programmes, between 22 and 24 March.

The Saló was officially opened by the Honourable Mr Josep Bargalló i Valls, Education Minister, and the Honourable Ms Àngels Chacón, Business and Knowledge Minister in the Catalan Government.  During her institutional visit to the university’s stall, Business and Knowledge Minister Àngels Chacón underlined the “quality of the education provided at UIC Barcelona”.   

UIC Barcelona presented sixteen degree programmes in total.  Out of the degree programmes we offer, the Bachelor’s degree in Bioengineering stands out, since it is the only one in Spain, and next year it will be taught for the third year running. Our Bachelor’s degree in Psychology also stand out, it started this year and involved the inauguration of the University Psychological and Psychiatric Support Clinic on our Sant Cugat Healthcare Campus. 

The international nature of the university is clear due to the double international degree programmes it offers, taught in conjunction with IONA College (New York), UCLA (Los Angeles) and Birkbeck, University of London. In the latter case, on Saturday a representative of this university will provide specific information about the double degree programmes in ADE + Economics, ADE + Financial Economics and ADE + Marketing which UIC Barcelona teaches along with this university which is located in London. 

One significant piece of news is the fact the Faculty of Education is moving to our Sant Cugat Campus; this will take place next year. The move will promote a symbiosis between education and health, through two double degree programmes: Psychology with Primary Education and Psychology with Pre-Primary Education. These programmes are currently being developed. A double degree in Humanities and Journalism is also available in our course catalogue.  

Finally, two special programmes were presented that will be taught as part of Summer UIC Barcelona, this summer is the third year the summer school will run. Aimed at upper-secondary school pupils and first year university students, Summer UIC Barcelona will take place between 8 and 12 July and will offer nine different topics.  There is also a new Experience Campus, aimed at mature students, which will be presented tomorrow in a special event at the university and will start with an introductory module this term.   

Saló Futura 

From Friday onwards, UIC Barcelona will be attending the Saló Futura academic fair.  Once there, the university will present its array of master’s, postgraduate and doctoral degrees.  New programmes that stand out in the field of law include our new Postgraduate Degree in Compliance and Cybersecurity, and double degrees offered alongside our Master’s Degree in the Legal Profession will be offered in addition to our Postgraduate Degree in Corporate Mergers & Acquisitions which will be taught in the EY offices.