
UIC Barcelona promotes language exchanges during the International Castanyada

On Monday and Tuesday, UIC Barcelona celebrated the Castanyada, or chestnut festival, on both campuses. The event served to introduce the concept of language exchanges, an initiative which seeks to promote language learning among students of the university.

The Institute for Multilingualism was there to hand out chestnuts and Muscat wine to the entire university community. They also provided information on language tandems, i.e. free, informal language exchanges between two people, which are intended to improve language competences in a relaxed, informal context. Everyone interested in taking part in a language exchange had the opportunity to fill out a form with their details, the languages they speak and those they want to learn, and will soon be put in contact with their language partner. The Institute has received over 80 requests between the event held to celebrate the European Day of Languages and those collected this week.

More information on language exchanges