
UIC Barcelona, ranked as the second Catalan university in terms of transparency

The Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC Barcelona) is ranked as the second Catalan university in terms of transparency, just behind the Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya. The “Report on Voluntary Transparency on the Internet Among Spanish Universities 2016” by the Commitment and Transparency Foundation places UIC Barcelona among the group of universities categorised as “translucent”.  

The university has climbed a few places in the transparency ranking and has now reached second place among Catalan private universities and seventh among all private universities in Spain.  According to the conclusions of the report, the university has undertaken the good practice of making transparent “important information for its interest groups; it has launched a transparency portal and has increased its level of adherence by 9 points, moving from 7 to 16”. 

Based on the recommendation in the report that “being private should not mean depriving people of information”, last year UIC Barcelona launched a Transparency Portal on its website, containing all the important information about the university. 

The Foundation understands voluntary transparency on the internet to be “the effort to disseminate and publish important information about the organisation, making it visible and accessible to all the interest groups in a comprehensive and up to date manner”. 

Read the full report here