
UIC Barcelona recently welcomed two Korean students who hold grants from the Erasmus + International Dimension programme

Heywon Chang and Jin-Young Lee are two South Korean girls who arrived at UIC Barcelona thanks to grants the European Union awarded to our university, since it is one of the five private universities that have been fortunate enough to receive this award. 

The programme awarded to UIC Barcelona by the EU will allow the university to receive and send students who have Erasmus grants to Canada and South Korea. Until now these grants were awarded for mobility within the EU only.

The first two of our students who have benefited from this award have come from South Korea to study Business Administration and Leadership (ADE).  Heywon Chang says "I'm the luckiest girl in the world. I'm really enjoying the city". She also added that she is very motivated and believes that UIC Barcelona is "the best place to study my degree".

Jin-Young Lee was also awarded the grant and she says that "the professors are always passionate in their lectures and the students are open-minded.  Thanks to them it has not been difficult for me to adapt to my new life in Barcelona".