
The UIC Barcelona School of Architecture works with COAC to disseminate the study "Architects: Situation, Opportunities and Perspectives"

This past March, the Official Association of Architects of Catalonia (COAC) launched, as part of Pla Impulsa, a plan for supporting architects, the study "Architects: Situation, Opportunities and Perspectives", which seeks to provide an in-depth analysis and description of the professional reality of architects in Catalonia.

The UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, in addition to the other schools of architecture in Catalonia, is working with the association to disseminate and promote this study through a survey targeting architects who habitually work in Catalonia. This will help cover a broad range of aspects of the profession and generate data to measure how levels of employment and professional development have changed in recent years. The study will also shed light on how the sector is viewed and its future prospects.

Open Evidence, a spin-off of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya that engages in research and consulting projects, will be responsible for managing the technical aspects and carrying out the survey. The results of the study will be analysed during the Architecture Congress, which is due to take place in the second semester of 2016.