
UIC Barcelona signs up for the Pact for Timetable Reform

The Universitat Internacional de Catalunya was one of the 110 organisations and entities which, along with the Catalan Generalitat, signed the Pact For Timetable Reform. The signing of the Pact, which took place in the Catalan Government building, was attended by the president of the Catalan Parliament, Carles Puigdemont and Jordi Turull, Presidency Minister and Government spokesperson. The latter signed the pact in the government’s name.

The Pact for Timetable Reform is the result of three and a half years of work by experts and an agreement between all the agents involved from various fields such as business, administration, employment, healthcare, culture and education.

By signing the Pact for Timetable Reform, the Government and the organisations who signed the agreement have made a commitment to adhere to the 2025 Objective. This should lead us, from 17 July onwards and over the next few years, to reach the European average in terms of indicators in the fields of healthcare, organisations, public services, education, culture and leisure, and also commerce, consumption and mobility.

The letter of commitment towards the 2025 Objective, which is included in the Pact for Timetable Reform, covers the following aims: to recover the two-hour time delay in relation to the rest of the world; to encourage a new working hours culture in organisations to promote more efficient and flexible models to attend to new social needs, and consolidate the time factor as a new measure that will move towards more freedom and equality and better welfare.

Signing the Pact is the culmination of the work undertaken by the instigators of the Timetable Reform and the Advisory Committee for Timetable Reform over a period of almost four years, since it was set up in the autumn of 2013 and was then presented on 29 January 2014.