
The Van Gogh museum’s strategy was recently presented to cultural management students

The director of the department of Public Relations in the institution, Milou Halbesma, gave a lecture to Master’s and Postgraduate students to describe the objectives and results of their marketing and communication plan. 


The Van Gogh museum is one of the most prestigious international art institutions.  It houses the works of one of the most important post-impressionist painters.  Over the last year it has received visits from 2.2 million people and has an online community of eight million followers.  These are only a few of the numbers, but they prove the importance of a museum in which marketing and communication strategies are fundamental both at an internal and an external level. 

On 27 September the director of the department of Public Relations in this institution, Milou Halbesma, gave a talk aimed at Master’s and Postgraduate in Cultural Management students, in the Faculty of Humanities.  “It’s not only a museum, it’s an institution”, said Halbesma who described the importance of brand promotion, digital strategy, knowing how to segment your audience, ensuring visitor loyalty and correctly evaluating internal information. 

Halbesma made it clear that in her department it is very important to “link Van Gogh’s fame to the Van Gogh museum” and to take advantage of its international impact both at an international level and in its immediate environment:  Amsterdam.  The aim behind all of this, as she explained, is to offer a satisfactory experience in a museum that has a prestigious name.