
Visit from the Family Studies and Research University Centre in the Catholic University of Milan

Professors Rossi and Bramante visited our university on 31 March with the aim of giving a research seminar to the research team from the Institute for Advanced Family Studies (IESF) and to hold a meeting with Montserrat Gas, Director of the IESF, and Rita Cavallotti, in charge of research at the Institute. Both institutions will undertake a joint comparative sociological research project between Spain and Italy. 

The Family Studies and Research University Centre,  which was founded under the auspices of the Catholic University of Milan, was set up in 1976 and is a founding member of REDIF (the Family Institute European Network ) and ESFR (European Society on Family Relations).

This centre also has a strong research tradition and a team consisting of psychologists and sociologists who work in conjunction with demographers, economists, philosophers and experts in education and law. 

The lines of research that this academic centre focuses on are related to the family life-cycle - adolescents and young adults - family associations linked to social policies, family, cultural diversity and parental relationships. 

The centre has postgraduate courses and various publications: Studi Interdisciplinari sulla Famiglia (Interdisciplinary Family Studies) and Quaderni del Centro Famiglia (Family Studies and Research Centre Journal).


The researchers from the centre follow a line of research that focuses on a relational and symbolic approach to family phenomena. From this approach, the family is the meeting point and the connection between the genders and the different generations.  It is also the primary source of the affective and moral heritage of being human, as well as a form of social glue, as an active participant in the construction of personal identity, educational actions and social policies.