
We now have a new Student Council for the 2016-17 academic year

On 20 and 21 October elections were held for the UIC Barcelona Student Council. 




The Student Council on our Barcelona campus consists of:

President: Anton Aluja Olesti (a 3rd year architecture student)

Vice-President:  Javier Cumellas Cervelló (a 3rd year Journalism student)

Secretary: Jonathan Michel Altisent (a 3rd year Business Administration and Management+ Law student)


The Student Council on our Sant Cugat campus consists of:

President: Dámaso Sancho Pérez (a 1st year Medicine student)

Vice-President: Laia Soques Piñol (a 1st year Nursing student)

Secretary: Gustavo Doreste López (a 1st year Dentistry student)