
The WeCare Chair organises the fifth edition of the International Workshop entitled “Suffering: talking about what is difficult to talk about”

Once again this year, the Main Hall on our Barcelona campus hosted a new edition of the International Workshop entitled “Suffering: talking about what is difficult to talk about” with participation from prestigious speakers at both a national and an international level. The event focused on simulated clinical cases and talks from speakers who are experts in palliative care. 

Through the simulation of clinical cases and testimonials from experts in palliative care, throughout the event there was an in-depth look into tackling the suffering some patients feel at this end-of-life stage, as well as into the wish to hasten death that some patients with advanced diseases and their family members experience. 

The WeCare Chair annually organises this workshop with the aim of transferring to clinical professionals the latest discoveries in research and promote an exchange of experiences between different disciplines.

Like in previous editions, national and international speakers participated in the event, which was opened by Dr Candela Calle, New General Director of the Catalan Healthcare Institute (ICS).  Subsequently, Dr María Nabal, head of the Unit for Palliative Care at Arnau de Vilanova Hospital in Lleida, along with Dr Porta - director of the Chair-, presented a clinical case that was simulated by actors. The second clinical case was presented by Dr Carlos Centeno and Ms Alazne Belar, from the University Clinic in Navarra. 

The workshop was also attended by other internationally prestigious researchers such as Vanessa Romotzky, from the Centre for Palliative Medicine – University of Cologne, and Dr Johan Menten, coordinator of Palliative Care at UZ Leuven, who shared their experiences both at clinical, teaching and research levels in Germany and Belgium respectively. 

Dr Josep Porta, Dr Cristina Monforte, Dr Mariona Guerrero and Dr Andrea Rodríguez, as members of the WeCare Chair, presented the results of the most recent research projects undertaken as part of the Chair’s activities and their potential implications in terms of clinical practice.

More than 175 people participated in the 5th edition of the WeCare Chair’s International Workshop, from the fields of medicine, nursing, psychology, social work and anthropology from various Spanish universities and healthcare centres.