
The WeCare Chair takes part in the SECPAL Congress in Seville

The UIC Barcelona WeCare Chair, specialising in end-of-life care, took part in the XI International Congress of the Spanish Society of Palliative Care (SECPAL) in Seville.

Members of the Chair participated with the poster “Recommendations for approaching the wish to hasten death: a systematic revision of the literature” and the communication “A comparative analysis of the assessment method of the wish to hasten death in patients with advanced illness: a systematic revision”. Another poster was also presented which was the result of work by a fourth-year student entitled: “Forgiveness at the end of life: a review of the literature”.

SECPAL brings together a range of healthcare professionals with the purpose of encouraging palliative care in Spain.  It also provides a networking link for all the professionals working in this field. According to the chairperson of the congress' organising committee, the theme of this year's edition - “Palliative care: a right for all”- was aimed at highlighting the need to extend the appropriate relief of suffering to everybody, regardless of their age or illness.