
Works by Ágora Arquitectura and Arquitectura-G, selected for the V edition of the Arquia/Próxima programme

Casa Caballero, an Ágora Arquitectura project, involving Joan Casals Pañella and José Luis Cisneros Bardolet, alumni members of the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, was one of the 24 best projects selected at the V call for the Arquia/Próxima programme. The undertaking was held on the ground floor of a residential block in Les Corts, Barcelona, and involved a recovery of the original understanding of patios as part of a flexible housing programme.

Likewise, the selected works included the Rehabilitation of a Masía in the Empordà region, by the Arquitectura-G studio. This studio contains some alumni members and professors from the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture.

The curator, Alberto Fernández Veiga, pointed out that this edition of the awards reflects the current situation, not only in relation to the financial crisis, but also in terms of re-thinking identity and the search for it based on a confusing context and an imperfect future.

The jury for the V edition of the programme chose the 128 projects that will form part of the catalogue, as well as the 24 projects that will be described by their creators within the framework of the V Arquia/Próxima Foro 2016: “An imperfect future”. The forum took place on 20 October 2016 in the auditorium at the University of Malaga.