
Workshops and a guided tour for new international exchange students

Once again this year, the university took advantage of the first few days of September to welcome exchange students.  The novelty this year was the length of the welcome session; highly different activities aimed exclusively at these students were held over a total of four days.  

Over the first two days, exchange students had the opportunity to get to know the university, its facilities and the various services it offers.  On this occasion members of the Student Council participated so as to improve integration and cohesion for both local and exchange students.  Among the novelties offered to exchange students this year the following stand out: the new Immigration Advisory Service and our Friday Meetups.

On the third day, the students met on our Sant Cugat campus to attend a workshop entitled “Culture Shock”, given by Águeda Quiroga, a Trinity College US delegate in Spain and an expert in intercultural communication.

On the last day they went on a guided tour to discover some of the most emblematic places and monuments in Barcelona. These included the Sagrada Familia, Passeig de Gràcia, the National Art Museum of Catalonia (MNAC), Montjuic, Barceloneta and Ciutadella park. 

Sessió de Benvinguda 17-18 (estudiants d'intercanvi internacional)