
Xavier Baró presents a paper at an international congress on the centenary of the Russian Revolution

Dr Xavier Baró presented the paper “The Albanians are worse than animals: Differing interpretations at the 60th anniversary of the Russian Revolution in Albania and in the USSR” at the international congress entitled Centenary of the Russian Revolution (1917-2017), organised by the University of Barcelona on 25 and 27 October.

During his talk, Dr Baró presented the findings of a study on how the Russian Revolution, which took place in 1917, was viewed in Brezhnev's USSR and Enver Hoxha’s Albania. The lecturer explained that while both countries claimed to be direct heirs to the events of 1917, they had significantly different interpretations of what happened.

The congress was held in the Faculty of Geography and History and was organised by the Centre for International Historical Studies (CEHI) at the University of Barcelona.