
Xavier Gil: «Research is one of my priorities. Quality research. Recruiting talent. Establishing an approach. Three aspects of the same issue»

Xavier Gil, rector of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya for just over a year, was interviewed by the magazine +1, during which he reviewed his first few months at the helm of our university. The rector explains how he came to move here from the UPC and his immediate plans for UIC Barcelona.

During the interview, conducted by the magazine's editor Jaume Figa alongside fourth year Audiovisual Communication student Santi Gilabert, Xavier Gil covers very varied topics such as the strengths of private universities, which “have great flexibility and the ability to react much more quickly when it comes to achieving specific objectives, factors which generate a very particular style of management.” According to him, this does not exclude “having to push ourselves; starting with the teachers giving high quality classes and treating students well, but also being aware that achieving good marks involves having to work flat out”.

The rector, who confirms that he envisages “a very bright future for UIC Barcelona" - “not just me: I'm told by all the civil authorities that we are seen as a model university” - says that he was very excited to have been offered the post: “I honestly didn't expect it, but this university has captivated me from the outset. For me now, every day offers a new challenge”.

As a biomaterial engineer he talks, amongst many other topics, about the future centre for palliative care "which, God willing, we will open within the next year” and of the possibility of new degree courses: “One is connected to my field, biomedical engineering, covering dental prostheses and orthopaedic components, a field in which we could become the leaders in Spain; another one to do with biomedicine and yet another on psychology. These are the three that we could offer in the short to medium term”.

(Full interview at www.sumandohistorias.com)