Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


Together with the scientific and technological training required by today’s society, it is essential to provide students with a humanistic training that nurtures a comprehensive vision. UIC Barcelona aims to promote a transverse interdisciplinary training that addresses fundamental questions about the human being and the world, while also seeking scientific progress. It will provide a transformative educational experience that leads to committed citizens who think deeply about the world.  

Central concepts

Institute of Culturae and Thought (CIP)

The CIP aims to put different branches of knowledge into dialogue with the aim of reaching a unified and inclusive view of knowledge, offering a counterpoint to the trend toward scientific specialisation. Its mission is to promote a person-centred education, rooted in the humanism of Christian inspiration and putting the individual, truth, freedom and public service at the centre. It provides a humanist education, fostering a spirit of solidarity and the critical capacity to freely form one’s own convictions, through a set of cross-disciplinary subjects included in all bachelor’s degrees of the university. 

Texto Grande

Purpose by objectives

  • Strengthen intellectual education, through reflection about the larger questions of human existence;
  • Develop students’ critical capacity to ask themselves about the truth in a context of freedom and openness to dialogue; 
  • Offer a valuable perspective and an intellectual framework that allows to integrate the contents of different disciplines to better understand the reality of today’s society and face its challenges.


  • Ensure that 100% of undergraduate students receive a humanistic education through cross-disciplinary subjects of anthropology, ethics and cultural foundations.


Guidance is one of the pillars on which the UIC Barcelona educational project is based. Over the course of 25 years of history, the University has accumulated extensive experience in personal guidance. In the pursuit of excellence in addition to knowledge, it is necessary to enhance soft skills that facilitate personal development and the incorporation into the working world.

Purpose by objectives

  • Promote the development of the soft skills necessary to face the challenges of the future with the support of the mentor 
  • Develop leadership skills that help students to know their own strengths and areas of improvement
  • Help students promote a common good and sustainable development.


  • Ensure that 70% of students obtain a certificate of the soft skills they have developed during their bachelor’s degree.


Be UIC is the deployment strategy of the UIC Barcelona mission, which aims to cultivate a culture with purpose. To do this, different actions will be carried out: 1/ publish the University mission, which identifies UIC Barcelona through the purpose outlined for each area; 2/ internalise the mission, so that people consider the mission of UIC Barcelona important; 3/ advertise the mission, promoting initiatives within UIC Barcelona that make its purpose part of every life, guided by the people of the University itself.

Purpose by objectives

  • Promote a culture with purpose. 
  • Serve the different interest groups: students, university staff and society
  • Serve the missions of each group of interest


  • Incorporate 100% of the charters of interest groups and missions which benefit the proposed objectives.