Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


New technologies have disrupted work and led to changes in the way we understand the world. Digitisation, artificial intelligence and automation have had an impact on any qualification and the relevant knowledge and skills are necessary for working in any profession. UIC Barcelona aims to promote innovation to integrate the latest technologies and methodologies in teaching, research and management. 

Central concepts

Digital curriculum

International trends indicate that the role of the university must be to offer digital tools that allow for adaptation to the new reality, beyond the specific content of courses. UIC Barcelona wants to offer the digital knowledge necessary to interact with today’s society.  

Purpose by objectives

  • Promote a digital mindset for students
  • Offer digital knowledge in all courses
  • Introduce digital advances that are used in the professional world. 


  • Approve plans to implement AI in teaching.
  • Conduct 10 practical workshops annually on AI methodology for teaching and research.


Innovation is essential to the current teaching-learning process. Artificial Intelligence is a disruption that also affects education. UIC Barcelona wants to take on the challenge of incorporating innovation as a tool in the service of education.

Purpose by objectives

  • Promote transformative teaching methodologies
  • Provide necessary training to incorporate different methodologies


  • Design a training programme and new work placements for teachers.
  • Define and implement new undergraduate course trends.


The University is currently immersed in a process of digitalisation and administrative change. This process will continue into the coming years with more investment in the technology and resources necessary to streamline management, improve the experience of the university community, adapt more quickly to changes in the environment and be more sustainable in the medium and long term. 

Purpose by objectives

  • Promote the digitalisation of the University and develop processes that incorporate the necessary technology.
  • Provide the necessary training for all staff to adapt to technological changes


  • Ensure that 100% of users complete training in the new academic management program.
  • Implement a new computer system integrated with the current one that covers management needs of 100% of teaching staff.
  • Configure a management document and train 100% of users.
  • Establish a new virtual teaching campus or consolidate the current one.
  • Implement Salesforce CRM in 3 new areas, and train 100% of users.
  • Incorporate Business Intelligence and train 100% of users.