Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


Second semester
Resources for research and development
Professional practicum
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Previous appointment by email to jbermejo@uic.es


The internship constitute a fundamental element of the studies that lead to the Degree in Humanities and Cultural Studies, since they allow the student to come into direct contact with the reality of a certain sector, which is linked to the start-up or development of a project or with the work that is done in an institution or company. Likewise, the practices facilitate that the students apply the knowledge and the skills that are acquired in the theoretical subjects and, in this way, complement and enrich an integral formation in cultural management..

Pre-course requirements

Those of the Degree


  • Know the operation of an entity or company related to the Degree.
  • Know the processes involved in the execution and management of a product or project.
  • Reflect on work experience.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • E01 - Ability to provide a humanistic/cultural vision to other sciences or methods.
  • E02 - Ability to use methods and techniques specific to human sciences.
  • E05 - Ability to evaluate social issues linked to cultural diversity.
  • E09 - To understand the limits and forms of intercultural communication.
  • E10 - Ability to define research topics which can contribute knowlege and contribute to cultural debate.
  • E11 - Ability to interpret data and relate it to appropriate theories.
  • E22 - To acquire knowledge of and the ability to use data collection instruments (biliographic catalogues, inventory archives, documentary sources, electronic sources, etc).
  • E23 - Ability to use computer resources and techniques to produce essays on cultural topics.
  • E24 - Ability to present the results of research project in accordance with the standards of each subject area.
  • E26 - Ability to read and write texts in one's own language and other languages, as well as transcribe, summarise and categorise pertinent information.
  • E27 - Ability to work in multicultural contexts.
  • E28 - Ability to organise complex cultural information coherently.
  • E30 - Ability to define cultural research topics which can contribute to the improvement and innovation of society.
  • E31 - To pass on knowledge and good practices to other sectors.
  • E32 - Ability to manage cultural heritage conservation projects
  • E33 - Ability to relate concepts of heritage, homeland and cultural identity.
  • E34 - Ability to create educational resources in the Cultural sphere.
  • E35 - To acquire basic skills related to the management of financial resources in cultural organisations and projects.
  • E36 - To promote the cultural dimension as a resource in institutions, markets, industries and companies.
  • E38 - To be aware of the problem surrounding information sources in international issues.
  • G04 - To know how to communicate, encourage and mediate between the various agents involved in a cultural project, programme or service.
  • G05 - To act responsibly and produce high-quality, rigorous and efficient work that benefits society.
  • G06 - To demonstrate an ability to be open and flexible with regards to cultural and socil diversity.
  • G07 - To know how to apply and adapt to new technologies in processes of cultural management, production and dissemination.
  • G09 - Creativity, inititiative and entrepreneurial spirit.
  • G10 - Management of ICT skills, organisation and information management.

Learning outcomes of the subject

The student is able to:

- write reports

- experience professional practice

- select and synthesize specific documentation

- practice group work strategies

- relate concepts of the different subjects worked in a transversal way

- diagnose problems and solve them in a work context

- manage ICT

- use economic resources in the simulation of real projects

- establishes valid approaches to systematize data and / or scattered information

- applies / transfers theoretical and / or abstract concepts of each subject to real situations

- it uses protocol techniques in case simulation.


Internship can be carried out during the school period (in the morning). Under no circumstances can be done in the summer of the 4th year, however the student can do them in the summer of 3rd year.


1.- Tutorial session with the internship manager to know the profile and expectations of the student, as well as to advise on the preparation of the CV. This meeting must be requested through an e-mail, at least three months before the date on which you wish to do an internship.
2.- Search of companies and institutions by the student and coordinator.
3.- Internship request.
4.- Personal interview in the company / institution and selection of candidate.
5.- Development of the internship. As a general rule, the internship will be a minimum of 250 hours. The company / institution will have a supervisor.
6.- Redaction of the memory by the student.


Throughout the course, the internship manager will conduct follow-up tutoring, as well as orientation tutorials to students who request it.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The internship will be evaluated based on the report of the tutor assigned to the company or institution (70% of the grade) and of the report presented by the student (30% of the grade).   The quality of the work carried out and the involvement in the project will be taken into account, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the report presented, which should include a reasoned explanation and a critical assessment of the work carried out.   Both the report and the evaluation must be delivered 10 days after the end of the internship.

Teaching and learning material